The Daily Rainbow - Fact or Fiction ?

Fact or Fiction?

You've surely heard the expression in healthy eating circles "eat a rainbow every day"?  Stats confirm that a leading cause of ill health and disability is CVD (that's cardiovascular disease) attributable to a number of life factors  such as diet and physical activity.  These are both fundamental determinants to keeping the heart in good shape the medical journals tell us.  Amongst those items listed as life factors is eating five or more portions of fruit and vegetables each day. (British Nutrition Foundation 2003),  

Could the Colour of Food Influence Meal Choices? 
Interestingly, a study in 2019 by University of Konstanz, Germany set out to determine whether food choices can be influenced by prompts to eat colourful food since dietary guidelines typically specify complex goals for nutrient consumption which apparently can become a major obstacle for individuals to be able to follow. In the trial the lab studies supplied prompts to the participants which triggered them to eat a colourful meal increasing the proportion of healthy food selected. This was in comparison to a lower selection of typical meals on the study which were less colourful and contained less fruit and vegetables.

The study's conclusion was that prompting individuals to eat colourful meals could be a promising strategy to encourage us to make healthier food choices.  Feast your eyes on my weekly fruit bowl as an aid to helping you eat a healthier diet. If you've seen my colourful daily smoothies, these are some of the contributing ingredients into my flavourful morning start-up smoothies. Here's the blogpost link   Enjoy!  

Referemce :     König LM, Renner B. Boosting healthy food choices by meal colour variety: results from two experiments and a just-in-time Ecological Momentary Intervention. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):975. Published 2019 Jul 22. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7306-z

I help heart-centred driven people like you think more about growing food and the idea that the gardens which surround us can be a place not only to grow food, beautiful blooms to feast our eyes on and a place to unwind from the sometimes crazy world which surrounds us.   If we grow a little in the garden, we learn a lot and grow in ourselves !   If all this growing sounds like you, well hello !  How about signing up for my blog today?